Thursday, February 26, 2015

Type 2 Diabetes - Four of The Best Breakfast Fruits to Add to Your Diabetic Eating Plan

If the same fruits dominate your fruit basket and refrigerator, it’s time to expand your choices. Bringing in more variety is really more interesting to your taste buds and helps you take in a wider range of nutrients.

Why not start your day with breakfast fruits? And a side benefit is fruit contains dietary fiber which helps lower your risk for diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and even some cancers. A high-fiber diet can actually help Type 2 diabetics reduce their insulin intake when lots of fruits are eaten.

What you eat first in the morning is going to influence your energy level all day long and may also impact your appetite. Those who consume breakfast are going to have an easier time maintaining control over their hunger, therefore keeping their calorie count in check.

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When forming your breakfast, you’ll want to make sure to get in…

a lean protein,

a small amount of healthy fat, and

healthy carbohydrates.

Fruit can make for an excellent choice as it’s gluten-free, low in calories, high in fiber, and full of nutrients.

This said, not all fruits are created equal. Let’s look at the four best breakfast fruits for you to consider…

Bananas. First up on the list is the banana. While bananas are higher in total calories than many options, they do contain some starch and some natural fruit sugars. If you have a busy day ahead and need more energy, they are a great go-to.

They’re also high in potassium which will help fuel your body, promoting solid muscle contractions. If a workout is in the near future, this works great here as well.

Blueberries. Blueberries are the next fruit you’ll want to consider. This fruit is a great brain booster as it can help increase focus and concentration. Serve this up when you have a busy meeting planned and you’ll notice a difference in your mental performance.

It’s also rich in antioxidants, so will promote optimal health as well.

Grapefruit. Don’t overlook half a grapefruit either. This fruit is lower in sugar than the orange, another citrus option many people opt for to start their day. Grapefruit is going to provide a rich dose of vitamin C, which will help keep your immune system strong and you feeling your best.

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As it is lower in sugar, it’s also a terrific option for keeping blood sugar levels stable.

Avocado. Finally, for those who are adhering to a very low-carb diet plan, avocado would be the fruit of choice. This fruit is considerably lower in total carb count compared to all other fruits because it provides a solid dose of fat.

Avocado is more calorie dense than other fruits, so just be sure you are monitoring how much avocado you eat. Eat too much and you’ll be overshooting your calorie target.

So, there are some smart fruit choices to consider as you start your day. Opt for these and you can feel great about what you’re putting into your body.

Type 2 Diabetes - Four of The Best Breakfast Fruits to Add to Your Diabetic Eating Plan - Diabetes

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