Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dating Apps for Safety

When it comes to dating, there is no end to the list of dating sites which offer dating apps to work with the site. Users can instant message each other, take dating quizzes, and even receive notifications when someone “favorites” them. However, that’s just the beginning. As anyone who dates knows, meeting someone online and having a brief chat is just the beginning of the dating process. There are still other elements that are always challenging to address, like whether or not you are in relationship, if there is an STD issue to be concerned about, and more. These apps help take some of the mystery out of the most difficult elements to be addressed.

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MedXCom: This app is for those who are concerned about STD issues. It’s for more than just dating since you can track the health status, medications, and individual appointments for the whole family from this app. The “Bump” feature is the favorite app for the dating scene. Users who are registered “bump” phones to learn about the STD status of their dates. What’s the catch? Users have to be willing to share that information in the first place.

iCondom: Are you “in the mood” and fresh out of protection? The iCondom app tells you exactly where you can get some protection. This is probably extremely useful if you are out in the middle of nowhere, but drugstores like CVS have made themselves easy enough to locate, so iCondom might be a bit of overkill unless there are no major chain pharmacies in the are. Still, better to be safe than sorry.

Hula: Hula is an app that contains a database where users can register and share their information. Again, this one relies on users being honest about their STD status to begin with. If you still aren’t feeling safe, Hula also offers the ability to locate testing locations near you. They list free clinics as well and offer details on the services provided.

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Medicine has come a long way, but it is still easy enough to contract an STD, something you want to avoid even when there is a treatment for it. On the other hand, some of these services might come in handy for people who already have an STD and are looking for a partner who has it as well. When it comes to something like Herpes, these apps are just a part of responsible dating. Regardless of what the apps indicate, it’s always a good idea to be smart and use safe practices.

Dating Apps for Safety - Dating

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