Thursday, February 26, 2015

Diabetes Prevention - Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise

Do you have pre diabetes or diabetes and not know it? Well, that’s a trick question I suppose, but if you are like millions of other Americans, then there is a strong possibility you do.

Diabetes is different then other diseases. You either have cancer or you don’t. You either have HIV or you don’t. There is no in between. It’s not really the case with diabetes. It is possible to be more diabetic than someone else. If your Fasting blood sugar is above a certain point, you have diabetes. If it is further above, you still have diabetes, but your condition is much more severe. If your blood sugar levels are just below the threshold for diabetes, then you are worse off then someone else who’s blood sugar level is far below that.

If your blood sugar is below the “pre diabetic” level, then your doctor will probably just pat you on the back and tell you that “You are fine. You have nothing to worry about.” Although worrying isn’t the right answer, it doesn’t mean you should just sit back and do nothing. You need to know your own blood sugar levels and you should learn how and why to lower them for improved health. Don’t accept the standard “you are fine” or “you have diabetes” answers. Get the numbers. Because of different cut off points, it’s possible to have Diabetes in the USA but not in Canada. It sounds crazy but it’s true.

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It will benefit you greatly to spend 15 minutes reading about how type 2 diabetes works and how you can prevent or reverse it through diet and exercise. After reading, you’ll be able to help not only yourself but also your family and friends. Click on this link below for more info.

Diabetes Prevention - Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise - Diabetes

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