Thursday, February 26, 2015

Type 2 Diabetes - Diet And Diabetes: Foods To Avoid

Diet is an important part of managing Type 2 diabetes, it is one of the three pillars of diabetes management. The other two pillars are exercise and, if required, medication. The problem arises when diabetics aren’t exactly sure what is considered to be a bad food choice. Or they believe certain foods are not as bad as they really are. In either case, it can be detrimental to their condition.

French fries are one of the most common fast foods that we consume. They also hold the distinction of being one of the worst foods for a Type 2 diabetic. They are laden with saturated fat, calories, and then there’s the enormous carb content. All of these make them something that should only be occasionally indulged in.

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Hamburgers are also packed with saturated fat – even the ones made from lean-ground beef. Plus, you have to consider the buns – which are usually white – and the assorted condiments that accompany the hamburgers. However, hamburgers can still be enjoyed periodically as long as they are lean, with whole wheat buns and by using heart-friendly condiments.

Fried chicken is, unfortunately, as good as it is deadly. What makes it so unhealthy? Take your pick:

the saturated grease that it is cooked in,

the skin, which holds an extremely high fat content,

the flour used for coating,

or the dryness of the meat, which promotes multiple health issues of the mouth?

Pot pies, especially the frozen ones, are some of the most unhealthy small packages of food there are. For it’s size, it holds a tremendous number of grams of fat. The carb content is also off the charts. They may be convenient to prepare, but they are certainly no friend to the Type 2 diabetic.

Jams and jellies are popular additions to toast, biscuits and other breads. Their number one drawback? Sugar. If you have a taste for the sweet stuff, try the sugar-free varieties that are made with real fruit, and not packed with additives and preservatives.

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Flour is a big problem. That’s because it is easily disguised in foods. Manufacturers come up with clever names to conceal the fact they are using white flour in their foods. Bread is the biggest problem. Consumers think that if the bread isn’t completely white in color it must contain healthy wheat. But even small amounts of white flour throw off the good intentions.

Dressings and sauces are a hidden enemy. They are easily used to top off or accentuate main dishes, side dishes or even salads. They are also usually filled with sugar, fat and calories. They can quickly take a somewhat healthy entrée and turn it into an unhealthy one.

Type 2 Diabetes - Diet And Diabetes: Foods To Avoid - Diabetes

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