Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fast Weight Loss - 3 Hidden Mistakes That Are Killing Your Fast Weight Loss Success

When it comes to losing weight fast it is often the things that we do that hinder us rather than the things we don’t do. Let’s go over the barriers that are keeping you from fast weight loss.

Mistake #1 – Making Food Your Enemy

The first mistake that many dieters make is to treat food as if it is an enemy. The fact is that food is a necessary part of life. You need food bottom line. This means that any diet that mandates that you start looking at food like and enemy is a complete and utter waste of time.

It is a common thread among long-term (read that again: Long Term) weight loss success stories to find that they have discovered a way to make peace with food. Food is not viewed as an enemy setting ambushes and launching counter offensives, but rather a friend that is there to aid in dropping fat and bringing joy to life.

Mistake #2 – Avoiding Meals

The next mistake that many people make in their battle against the bulge is to avoid eating. Again this probably is because they have made food their enemy and since all enemies are to be avoided this means that it is best to skip meals all together. This is a fatal fat loss error.

You need to eat in order to survive. In fact in order to drop fat like Donald Trump drops money, you need to eat far more than you probably ever have. Something on the order of 5-7 times per day. Saving up all of your meals for one big splurge at the end of the day will do nothing but halt your metabolism and cause your body to store fat instead of shed it.

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Mistake #3 – Singling Out Foods

Getting hung up on specific foods or looking to one particular food type to drop fat is an error that is propagated by people who want to sell diet programs. No carb diets, grapefruit diets, ketogenic diets. These are all examples of diets that force you to choose or avoid particular foods. These diets never deliver long-term results.

Nutritional science has made it clear that it is the combination of foods that create drastic fat loss. The combinations of foods create specific hormonal reactions inside your body much in the same way as diet pills use chemical combinations to create hormonal reactions. After all foods are chemicals too and this means that foods can be combined to increase your body’s production of fat burning “helper-hormones.”

These types of diets are called Calorie Shifting diets and they use real foods – including fast foods (yippee) to force your body to create hormones that will open up fat stores and burn fat like a blowtorch.

Fast Weight Loss How-To

Fast Weight Loss - 3 Hidden Mistakes That Are Killing Your Fast Weight Loss Success - Weight Loss

Online Dating For Older People - Why it May Be Your Best Bet

Is dating for older people much different than the way young people date? Well, other than some of the places you may meet or the activities you choose might be different, but nothing changes when you venture out on a date.

If there was one way where the differences would be pronounced is that many younger people will meet others for dating online. Here is the very ironic aspect of that statement: age has absolute nothing to do with the ability to meet online.

Such a process is as simple as navigating the website of you local newspaper. However, online dating for older people seems somewhat foreign because it is not what they may have been used to. That’s why dating sites designed for older people are so popular. They add to making the process a lot easier.

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What do we mean by online dating for older people? Basically, this refers to dating for people over the age of 40. Of course, there is a huge age difference between 40 years of age and 75 years of age. And there are some dating sites that are more age specific than others.

The key here is that you will look towards those dating for older people sites that are more in line with their particular age bracket. Thankfully, there are a great many dating sites of this variety making such a search relatively simple.

When you do sign up for the site, you will discover it is no where near as difficult as some assume.

And, even if the difficulty is a little more than you assumed, you can always spend a little time trying to figure out how to properly navigate the site. Once you do this you will be able to do what is necessary to make the venture work best for you.

No, it is not tough to get the hang of websites that promote dating for older people. You made need to take a little time to do so but you will eventually get the hang of it.

It is best to stick with those dating sites for older people that involve fees. Some may wonder why it is better to stick with a site that charges a fee when there are sites that are free. Why?

The main reason is that the free sites generally are not al that well run or user friendly. Sticking with a paid site will serve the members much better. After all, they have something to lose (you, their paying customer).

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Plus, many of the online dating creeps and pranksters that you hear or read about will not often steer clear of a paid site (if you can wreak havoc for free why pay?).

Yet another reason for going for paid dating sites is that you are more likely to find serious, like-minded people on these sites. If someone is able to commit a few dollars a month it means she/he is 1) serious about finding a partner and 2) gainfully employed or has a source of regular income and is therefore presumably a responsible person.

So, if you want to venture into the word of online dating and are over the age of 40, you need not worry if this type of dating is for you or not. It most definitely is.

Online Dating For Older People - Why it May Be Your Best Bet - Dating

Top 10 Points of Encouragement for Weight Loss

On the road to weight loss, fitness, and health, you can easily become discouraged. In fact, discouragement is what leads many people to give-up when they may have been near a point of significant progress and encouragement in their program.

I’ve put together my “top 10″ points of encouragement to help keep your spirits high on your road to weight loss, fitness, and health.

1. It does get better – and often very quickly! Many people that are significantly overweight or that have been sedentary for a long time, find any activity, even walking a few hundred feet, to be very difficult and uncomfortable. Be encouraged, many physiological changes happen very quickly once you start moving. Walking, for example, starts getting easier and more comfortable within a couple of weeks. Keep moving – every day will be a little better! Be encouraged!

2. I love this lady’s story. It just makes you want to cheer for her while sitting at your computer. Margie from Madison, Wisconsin weighed 296 pounds when she started walking in her neighborhood. She says she started by walking about half a block twice a day and that it was incredibly difficult at first.

After the second day she had decided to quit but a neighbor encouraged her to continue. Every day she walked the same route but added a little distance each week. She says there were many days when she wanted to quit, but she wanted very badly to lose weight and be healthy. After several months the people in her neighborhood started noticing her consistency and her progress and started giving her compliments and words of encouragement. She said that after a few months of walking, it went from painful to enjoyable.





About ten months into her walking program, she began her morning walk as usual, but she noticed people out in their yards. As she passed each yard they were clapping and cheering for her, “go Margie”, “we’re proud of you Margie”, “congratulations Margie!” She said tears of happiness flowed through her entire walk that morning as over a hundred people cheered her on all along her route! Be encouraged!

3. The visible signs of progress in a weight loss program are often very slow to come. Healthy weight loss takes time, but that can be very discouraging. Be encouraged to know that for each day that you exercise and eat healthy foods in moderate quantities, you have made progress. It might not be measurable that day, but you have made progress and it will be measurable over a period of weeks and months. Be encouraged!

4. Katherine was 43 years-old and had been sedentary for 20 years. The scale had not changed in those 20 years – she still weighed 136 pounds, but she knew she had lost muscle and gained fat. Her waist was bigger and she couldn’t fit into the same size clothes that she did 20 years earlier. What bothered her most was that she was always tired and never had energy.

She decided to start walking and weight training but quit after a week. She said, “it’s too uncomfortable, I can’t keep doing this.” I encouraged her to continue and told her that it would get better. She “quit” three times during the next two weeks. We talked frequently. Six weeks later she started to notice some muscle tone and she noticed that her endurance and energy level had increased dramatically. She said, “I’m very encouraged!”

Eight months later she had gained two pounds on the scale but lost three inches in her waist – and she walked a marathon! Yeeeeeeesss! Be encouraged!

5. The whole idea behind physical training is that you push your body to do a little more than it’s comfortable with and it responds by making physical and physiological changes. These changes make you capable of doing a little more with less discomfort. Be encouraged!

6. Gerald in New Orleans, Louisiana lost 85 pounds after he started walking and weight training. Once he had lost the weight, he decided to do something that would allow him to fully appreciate his weight loss. For an entire day, he carried around a sack that contained 85 pounds of metal weights.

Getting around during that day was a struggle and very tiring. At the end of the day he was exhausted! Life without the weight is great! Be encouraged!

7. Keep records of your progress. Every day write down the positive changes you’ve noticed and also keep a record of the exercise you do every day. Write down what you did, how long you did it, and any thoughts about your exercise that day. Keep a running total of your minutes. You can look back at what you’ve done with a great sense of accomplishment and you’ll be motivated to do more. Be encouraged!

8. Daily exercise will change your life! I believe God designed humans to be active on a daily basis. Why? because when you are, lots of good things happen..

- you are healthier





- you feel better and have more energy

- you are less likely to develop cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc.

- you sleep better

- you have a better outlook on life

- your relationships with people are enhanced

- your skin looks healthier

- you are sick less often

- your immune system is stronger

- you lose fat

- you gain toned, lean muscle

- you look healthier

Be encouraged!

9. Betty Jo in Tuscaloosa, Alabama wrote to me.. “Greg, After 24 years of being married to a grouchy, pessimistic man who didn’t enjoy life, I saw all that change over a period of about a year. Harold was the classic 70 pound overweight couch potato when he was scared into exercising and healthier eating habits by the death of his 46 year-old friend.”

Harold’s doctor recommended that he start walking every morning and after a couple of weeks Harold told Betty Jo that he wanted to start eating better. Harold really took-off with this “health thing” and lost 72 pounds and become a new man – inside and out. In Betty Jo’s words, “I have a new husband. He walks for an hour every morning and he is a joy to be around. His enthusiasm for life makes our marriage fun.” Be encouraged! 10. Progress and improvement generate encouragement. YOU can progress and improve and be encouraged to do more. Tomorrow morning, put on your walking shoes and take a walk, even if it’s just a few minutes. The next day, do it again – progress and improve.

Be encouraged!

copyright 2001 by Greg Landry, M.S.

Top 10 Points of Encouragement for Weight Loss - Weight Loss

Type 2 Diabetes - Weight Loss Diets and Genetics

Numerous weight loss diets have been designed and then carried out by people diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. There have been varying rates of success. Now researchers are beginning to look at which diets are best for individuals with given types of genes.

Investigators at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, United States, looked at three types of weight loss diets in individuals with a gene known as rs2287019, which has been linked with obesity and how the body handles sugar.

This particular study published in January 2012 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was part of the Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies (POUNDS LOST) trial. It included 737 overweight adults with the gene rs2287019: they were randomly assigned to four different weight-loss diets.

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Results of the study: At the end of 6 months greater weight loss took place in the participants on a low-fat diet than in those in groups with a diet containing a higher fat content. Those in the low-fat diet group also had lower blood sugar levels and greater sensitivity to insulin than the other volunteers.

From these results it was concluded that individuals with the gene rs2287019 showed greatest improvement in:


blood sugar levels, and

the ability to use sugar

when consuming a low-fat, high carbohydrate, high fiber diet.

How the low-fat diet worked best for the rs2287019 participants is not yet known, but one study showed the four types of diets had different effects on how energy was expended. The study, performed under the auspices of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, USA, was published in September 2011 in the International Journal of Obesity in London.

Ninety-nine participants from the POUNDS LOST trial were randomly assigned to the four diets mentioned above. After 6 months it was found the participants consuming the low-fat diet:

lost more fat,

were more physically active, and

spent more calories by physical activity

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than those consuming higher fat diets.

The volunteers consuming the higher fat diets broke down more non-fat tissue for use as energy than those on the low-fat diets.

Possibly the higher success rates of the overweight people with the rs2287019 gene who followed the low-fat diets could be due to the increased physical activity and their body’s use of fat for energy. Of course, not everyone carries the rs2287019 gene and the test for it is not routinely carried out in your doctor’s office, but if low-fat diets help people to become active and burn fat, then they are likely to be good for everyone.

Why not discuss the possibility of a low-fat diet with your doctor or dietitian?

Type 2 Diabetes - Weight Loss Diets and Genetics - Weight Loss

Dating? Don't "Wing It" Any Longer

If you are a single person and have encountered this article it is very likely that you are frustrated with dating and looking for solutions to your problem. Should you hire a dating coach and matchmaking service in order to find that quality relationship that you desire? How do you know that it is worth the expense? Should you continue to “wing it” and potentially continue to make the same mistakes indefinitely? Is a matchmaking service or a dating coach going to help?

The first thing to consider when trying to decide whether to hire a dating coach and matchmaking is whether the people you are meeting through your own efforts are the caliber of people that you envision yourself meeting. If they are not meeting your expectations, then a dating service or matchmaker can help you hone your criteria or work on yourself to make yourself a better candidate in the singles pool.

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Many people who employ the help of a matchmaking service simply don’t have the time to sift through endless dates with countless people. They lead busy, full lives, and despite wanting to meet a special someone simply can’t put the time and effort into trying to search on their own. A matchmaking service can certainly help by isolating matches that appear to be very likely candidates for a good connection.

Do you constantly end up with people who share a lot of the same traits time and time again? Do your friends comment that you need to date different types of people or that you always date the same type? A dating coach and matchmaking service can help pop you out of that rut and introduce you to new opportunities and possibilities. A matchmaker or dating service will not only pair you with good matches who may be different but they will also screen those matches before you meet them. They provide an objective lens for you.

Dating on your own is a pretty messy process. No one is really “good” at dating. Most of us who are single and trying to find that special someone in the sea of singles out there are blindly stumbling through haphazardly. A dating coach or a matchmaking service can help steer you in the right direction. They can also look at your situation and your dates and your behavior objectively and offer concrete solutions that even your friends can’t provide.

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Dating coaches and matchmakers are experts in their field, after all. You, dear dater, are merely an amateur. If you settle for nothing less that excellent in the rest of your life then you should certainly not settle for less in your romantic life. Allow a dating service or a dating coach to bridge that gap for you and find the love you are seeking once and for all.

Dating? Don't "Wing It" Any Longer - Dating

Beginners Weight Loss Tips to Help Ensure That You Get the Proper Start on Your Journey

Beginners Weight Loss Tips

Everyone wants to lose weight these days. If you have ever tried losing weight, however, you know how very difficult that can be. Losing weight does not happen overnight, or by some magic pill or surgery, but by incorporating the following three weight loss tools, you can be well on your way to better health.

1. Never bite off more than you can chew. I’m not talking strictly about food here. Drastically changing your diet or exercise habits over a very short period of times is a recipe for failure. Healthy, sustainable weight loss generally comes from making small changes that you can live with one at a time. Think of weight loss as building a brick wall: instead of quickly tossing a glob of cement onto a pile of bricks, you need to build that wall carefully and slowly. I still remember seeing my mom sign up for a new gym membership in the late 80s. She went to one or two high-energy, high-intensity aerobics classes before coming home and being so sore that she could barely stand up or sit down for a few days. She never went back to the gym. If you have been mostly inactive for awhile, start by taking long walks around your neighborhood. If you already have a gym membership, start slowly on the cardio equipment and work up to a pace that challenges you but still allows you to carry on a conversation. Most cardio equipment in a gym comes with a small chart somewhere on the console so you can see what your heart rate should be based on your age and weight. Ask your doctor if you’re not sure.





2. Eat off of smaller dishes. Most people eat too much. It’s hard not to when restaurants routinely serve up plates of food that could easily feed two people. And while most packaged food you would eat at home comes with nutritional information based on one serving, have you ever actually measured out that one serving and seen what it looks like? Take, for example, cereal. An average portion of cereal is about one cup, with about one-half of a cup of milk. My cereal bowls at home are nearly eight inches in diameter. If I put an average serving of cereal and milk in a bowl that big, it may not even fill up half the bowl, prompting me to pour in more cereal and more milk (and way more calories!). If, however, I take a “kid-sized” bowl and fill it up with the same portion of cereal and milk, suddenly it looks like “enough.” Unless you have the time and patience to measure out all of your food, eating off of smaller dishes is the easiest way to manage your portion sizes and, by extension, your caloric intake.





3. Eat a fruit or a vegetable at every meal. Mom was really on to something when she made you eat your vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are ridiculously low in calories and they are packed with all sorts of fiber, vitamins and minerals that are really good for you. Adding more fruits or vegetables to your diet is also much easier than you would think. Switch out an apple for your usual bag of chips with your lunchtime sandwich. Add some veggies to your morning egg scramble or some fresh berries to your bowl of cereal. At dinner, go ahead and eat that steak if you want, just make sure to have some asparagus or green beans with it, too.

Beginners Weight Loss Tips to Help Ensure That You Get the Proper Start on Your Journey - Weight Loss

Why Don't You Try the Army Recruiter Diet For Quick Weight Loss?

If you want to get into a weight loss program and you still have not figured out what program that would be, then you better check for an army diet. Anyone who wants to get rid of their fat fast must try any kind of army recruiter diet for quick weight loss and for your self the benefits that this army diet can bring. Many people try those diets advised by army recruiters as they claim to have miraculous effects in days. Army diets are designed to strip away the unnecessary fats in the body in time for the training in boot camp. It is the fastest way to loss fat intended for those who want to enter the military service. However, those who want to have fast result may also try any military recruiter diet.

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The army recruiter diet is not as popular as those of the other weight loss program and yet it is one of the most traditional programs for those who are into diets. The program is aimed to impose upon those who enlist into this kind of program the discipline that is also imposed upon the military men and women who achieved the body built that is required of them under the military service curriculum. The program at first may sound very restrictive at first try but as you go through the process, it will just sound like ordinary learning process of dieting the military way and that is through the army recruiter diet for quick weight loss.

There are many kinds of military diet and the army recruiter advices the army recruiter diet for quick weight loss so that the recruits will be in shape for training the fastest way possible. One example of this is the mayo diet plan which is a diet involves 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 glasses water, and 4oz unsweetened grapefruit juice for breakfast. For lunch, you will have salad, meat, 4 oz grapefruit juice and dinner is same as lunch except that another veggie instead of salad is prepared. There is nothing special with the diet; it’s just that you have to eat the same kind of food for days to get the immediate results that you want to attain. The science behind this diet is actually low carbohydrate and low calorie intake.

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The army recruiter diet may sound desperate but you can try if you have the guts of an army. Even military health professionals test this military diet so there is nothing to worry about and the military nutritionists have studied to keep the armed forces fit for the worst conditions of war and peace. Nonetheless, though what may work for them, may work for you too, before you engage in any diet or weight loss program, it is advised to consult your doctor.

Why Don't You Try the Army Recruiter Diet For Quick Weight Loss? - Weight Loss