Thursday, February 26, 2015

Gestational Diabetes - Diet Plans, Menus and Recipes

Gestational diabetes also known as Gestational Diet Mellitus (GDM) is a condition in which a woman who normally doesn’t have sugar, gets diabetic during her pregnancy. This diabetic condition now occurs widely throughout the world, 5% of all pregnant women have gestational diabetes, and the mother has nothing to worry about her delivery or her child as long as she keeps the sugar levels under control. The sugar levels should be closely monitored to avoid complications during the delivery period.

A hormone called insulin is responsible for getting the glucose from the blood into the cells of your body. If you are diabetic, then your body is not producing as much insulin as is required, or your cells are not using it the way it should be used.

If the gestational diabetes is in the mild stage then it can be controlled purely through proper diet. In some cases where the diabetes is in a more progressed state you may have to take insulin to bring your blood sugar levels under control. Your physician will know what to do, and when a diet needs to be followed, he will draft out the diet taking into account your present eating habits making sure that you get all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

General Guidelines:

Eat a variety of foods and make sure that most of your calorie content comes from carbohydrates and foods that are rich in fiber.

It is recommended by the American Diabetes Association to eat three small to moderate sized meals per day and two to four snacks every day. It is also advisable to have a bedtime snack just before you get into bed.

Never skip meal. Your blood sugar level will be consistent if your meals and calories are distributed evenly throughout the day.

Meals should be taken around the same time every day.

Do not wait till you are burning with hunger to start eating. When you do eat like this, your blood sugar levels will rocket up.

Restrict your intake of foods and juices that are rich in simple sugar like sodas, colas and fruit juices. These foods will quickly raise your sugar levels so limit their intake or if possible avoid them altogether. Instead of drinking fruit juices, you can eat fresh fruits which are also rich in fiber. Also, milk contains lactose which is a form of sugar. So if you drink more than two glasses of milk a day you may need to think for another source of calcium and avoid drinking more that two glasses of milk a day.

Get some exercise. It need not be something that is strenuous and physically exerting. A simple walk after your meals has been shown to work wonders on gestational diabetes.

Drink lots of water to maintain the body’s water levels.

Continuously monitor your body’s blood sugar levels and keep a record of them.

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Sample Diet:

Mild cases of gestational diabetes can be controlled by proper dieting. We are looking for reducing the amount of fat, simple sugar and salt consumption and increasing the amount of complex carbohydrates and fiber rich foods. According to the American Diabetes Association, less than 30% of the total calorie count should come from fats, no more than 10% to 20% of the total calorie count from proteins, and around 50% of the calories should come from carbohydrates and fiber rich food stuffs like whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

A day’s calorie intake can be divided into six small meals to make sure that the calories are distributed evenly throughout the day.

Meal 1:

When you wake up in the morning your blood sugar levels will normally be low. To start your day, a small high protein meal that includes meat and a food that is rich in carbohydrates like whole grain toast will be good. Wash it down with a glass of milk or a cup of low calorie yogurt.

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Meal 2:

Vegetable sticks with a low calorie dip, whole wheat crackers, and small servings of fruits or cottage cheese will be ideal for the second meal of your day. This will keep you fill till it is time for your lunch.

Meal 3:

Choose a meal that is rich in proteins like garden vegetable salad or whole grain pasta or pita bread.

Meal 4:

Meal 4 mainly comprises of fruits and vegetables. Vegetable or fruit juices with a dash of cheese and whole grain bagel will make a quick, tasty and healthy snack.

Meal 5:

A whole grain wrap stuffed with chicken and salad is a good meal. You can dress this up with a drizzle of a salad of your choice or you can treat yourself with a sugar free cookie.

Meal 6:

When you are up for more than three hours after having your dinner, you sugar levels will start to dip. An apple or a whole grain muffin or a few peanut crackers with a cup of milk will be an ideal bed time snack.

As you would have surmised, with proper diet and exercise as advised by your doctor it is easy to fight gestational diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes - Diet Plans, Menus and Recipes - Diabetes

Dating Game

Whether you’re 15, 20, 30 or Fabulously40 plus, dating always seems like a task better left to someone else. And the older you get the harder it gets. After all, at 15 we are naïve, at 20 we are gullible, at 30 we are determined to find “Mr. Right,” and by 40 we become the biggest skeptics.

On the other hand, how are we supposed to find Mr. Right if we don’t submit ourselves to the dating pool?

Trying to find that one special man through friends and family almost never works, and blind dates get old and annoying very quickly. You know what I’m talking about. Your well-intentioned friends set you up with that “nice guy” that they swear will fill your life with love and abundance. Then you find yourself sitting across the dinner table from some insufferably self-centered slob, frantically searching your mind for a plausible excuse you can utter so he will shut up and take you home.

The only thing worse is having your mother (because she hears your biological clock ticking) arrange for you to meet a friend’s son. The description starts out, “He is a very nice guy and he is tall…” and goes downhill from there. As the warning bells go off inside your head and the color drains from you face, you realize the time has come to take destiny into your own hands.

So you take a deep breath, sit down at the keyboard, and type a URL that resembles something like [http://www.findingmrrighttonight]……com. You think of a user name and password, open your online dating account, and the adventure begins.

On A Mission

To your surprise and amazement, you awake next morning to find your email inbox overflowing with responses.

Your heart sinks as you open the first email and look at the picture of a bold, very unattractive guy who is “intrigued with your profile and wants to get to know you.” Nevertheless, you note that you have at least 30 more emails to read and plunge ahead, certain that there must be at least one prince among all the frogs.

As you open one email after another, you sift through attractive, successful, ugly, funny, boring males who have exposed themselves for your review. You feel somewhat empowered and confident that “things are looking up.” As you get to the last email, you realize there are several options you can consider replying to, and maybe one or two that actually look interesting.

All of a sudden you find your whole life revolving around this exciting new game of online dating. The next thing you know, you’re browsing your “matches” morning, noon and night, and are even skipping lunch to catch up on your latest online hopefuls. Your boss mentions several times that your work has slowed down. Your mother complains that you never call her. You ditch your friends for drinks during Happy hour day after day.

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You now have a mission, and no one will stop you!

Mission Accomplished

So, does online dating actually work? A Fabulously40 sister recently shared with me the following story:

This sister hated the idea of dating online. But, when years passed and she didn’t meet anyone through family and friends, she eventually succumbed. After dating online for several months with mixed results (hopeful one day, disappointed the next), she received an email that said, “I found your profile to be special and unique. I’m recently widowed and fairly new to the dating game. I don’t feel comfortable posting my picture but would very much like to meet.”

She didn’t agree to meet right away, partly out of caution and partly because he lived back east. Instead, she suggested they get to know each other through emails and see where their cyber relationship led. After a while, she began to feel that he was sincere and suggested they meet face-to-face. Delighted, he offered to fly to California to meet her.

Three months to the date of his first email, our sister arrived at the restaurant for the appointed rendezvous. Wearing a red dress and red lipstick, she nervously followed the hostess to the table, where a man was already seated. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.

As the hostess stepped aside, our sister found herself looking into the familiar eyes of a man she once knew. His face was older and more lined, and he seemed a bit shorter and huskier, but the eyes remained the same. Incredibly, here in front of her, with a huge smile on his face, sat the first boy she ever held hands with, the first boy she had ever kissed.

They sat for 10 minutes without saying a word. He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a ring, got down on one knee, and proposed to her on the spot. They have been inseparable ever since.

Obviously, most online dating ventures don’t produce such fairytale endings. But you never know what can happen until you give it a try. So, if you’re facing another weekend alone, get off that couch, go turn on your computer and give it a shot. Who knows who could be waiting for you behind that computer screen?

Dating Game - Dating

Diabetes Mellitus - Pathology, Symptoms & Medication

Diabetes Mellitus (most commonly called “diabetes“) is a medical condition triggered by an endocrine system imbalance, caused by the lack of production of the blood sugar regulating hormone insulin, or increased resistance to its effects. In Type I diabetes, the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas fail to produce insulin, usually because of an immune system response that kills the cells; this is also called juvenile diabetes. In Type II diabetes, the body’s ability to absorb and process insulin gradually decreases, and is most common in older patients, particularly those that are overweight or under a great deal of stress. Gestational diabetes is a temporary trigger of diabetes-like symptoms triggered by the rush of hormones needed for pregnancy.

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The generalized symptoms of diabetes mellitus are subtle. The first real clues that most people have that they have diabetes is that they’re thirsty more often than not, and have to urinate more frequently, particularly for type II diabetes with a late adult-hood onset. Without insulin to pull blood glucose, your body uses water to flush the excess (or what it thinks is the excess) from your system.

Other symptoms for diabetes include flu-like symptoms of fatigue and weakness and loss of appetite. What’s happening is that your body isn’t absorbing as much blood sugar as it used to, letting you feel run down. Related to this can be sudden changes in weight, either because you’re eating more (to keep up with the loss of blood sugar absorption) or loose weight as your body cannibalizes other tissues to make up the lack. Most people with type I diabetes mellitus are significantly underweight.

Other symptoms include difficulty in fighting off infections, impaired eyesight due to retinal damage, and bleeding gums.

The primary diabetes medication regimen is getting insulin replacement, and modifying the patient’s diet. For very early stages of type II diabetes, dietary changes alone can ameliorate most of the symptoms. For type I and advanced stages of type II, a mixture of diet and taking insulin are the primary treatment.

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Insulin replacement can be handled through direct injection, at about the time that the patient needs to eat, or via a device called the insulin pump, which puts out a basal insulin level and can be triggered to give a boost after meals. In both cases, the diabetic needs to keep track of their blood glucose levels to know when they need to take an injection, and they need to be aware of the glycemic index value of foods they’re considering eating.

Diabetes Mellitus - Pathology, Symptoms & Medication - Diabetes

Want to Meet Women Online For Free?

Ever hear that saying “The best things in life are free?” Well, when it comes to dating, nothing could ever be more true than that old mantra.

Let’s face it – for a guy, dating can be an expensive proposition. You gotta pay for gas, dinner, movies, gifts, parking, and a number of other things just to try and find out if the girl actually likes you or not.

And if you’re trying to MEET a woman, the outlook isn’t much better. You will have to pay money going out to bars and clubs, buying drinks, paying for parking, and all types of other costs associated with being “on the prowl.”

But if you decide to try and stay home and do online dating, your outlook isn’t much better. A lot of dating websites nowadays charge a lot of money every month to have you use their website. And you know what? There’s not even a guarantee you’ll find someone after paying all that dough!

I know some guys who have spent upwards of a hundred dollars joining various online dating sites only to have every single one of their emails go UNANSWERED.

As you can imagine, they were NOT happy!

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But here’s the thing – you don’t have to spend ANY money on internet dating services if you don’t want to! There are actually a great many free ways to meet women online.

Here are my favorites:

1. Plenty Of Fish – this is one of the best, and most active, free online dating sites out there. You can sign up and be flirting over email in minutes. However, because this site is so popular, it can be hard to get noticed. Spend some time networking on the forum and pay attention to events going on close to you for a chance to mingle.

2. Facebook – Facebook is quickly becoming one of the most popular websites in the world, and for anyone familiar with this social networking site, you’ll know there are a TON of girls on here!

The hard part is MEETING them. Luckily, there are a number of groups on Facebook designed to help singles network and meet each other. Just search Facebook’s groups for dating and see what’s in you’re area. Once you find a good club, join it and start contacting members and posting on the forums.

3. MySpace – MySpace isn’t as popular as it once was, but it’s still good for one thing – dating hot chicks! Yes, there are still a huge number of attractive young women on this website and you can still use it to meet a great girl.

One way is to do a member’s search in your area and try emailing some girls directly to start up a conversation. Or, you can go to the Personal’s section and see what girls are on the market in the “dating” category and contact them that way.

4. CraigsList – though most people think of CraigsList as a place to find a job or sell some old junk, its also a great place for dating. CraigsList gets an insane number of people visiting it daily, and you can go to their personal’s section to post an ad or respond to a woman’s ad. Because of CraigsList archaic design, it can be hard to keep track of your correspondence with others, but you can also meet some extremely interesting people on this site – not to mention hot women.

5. Chat Rooms – And if you really are desperate to meet women online for free, then you can always join a few chat rooms on the internet and see who’s interested in talking. Chat rooms get a bad name because of a few people who abuse them, but they’re a great way to meet like-minded people.

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Yahoo and MSN have very active chat rooms that you can access via their messenger applications. You can download them for free and see what chat rooms are available. Once you join a room, start talking and see if there are any women in there who you can start a private conversation with.

Obviously, I could continue to write for pages about the various tips, tricks, and nuances that go along with each of these free methods for meeting women online. But for the sake of brevity, this should help you get started.

Just remember that no matter what method you use to meet women for free on the internet, you always want to try to get them to meet you offline as quickly as possible. So be sure to ask for their number and try calling or texting them as soon as you possibly can.

And if you stick with it, you may never have to pay for another dating site again!

Want to Meet Women Online For Free? - Dating

Do Indian Singles Meet Their Spouse Quicker Now?

Are you an Indian single who is wanting to choose their own husband or wife? Are you worried about who your well meaning family may prefer you to wed? Are you stuck for choices where you live? No other Indians in sight? Are you looking to leave India? Are you looking for a spouse who is prepared to leave India to live in your country? Sounding like you? Well, perhaps you may want to consider an Indian dating site.

The opportunity for Indian singles to find the right spouse from a wide variety of countries, education levels, traditional values, religion is extraordinary in this era we live in. Indian dating sites can make good sense. These dating sites specifically cater for singles who either live in India or are from Indian heritage.

Singles can select from various profiles such as religion, mother tongue, and geographical locations. Imagine the convenience of selecting someone from even India or the next zip code or suburb. The choice is yours.

Whether geography, religion, or both, are important for you, these dating sites cater for all. You can even do your searches with a career element as a preferred category. Photos on dating profiles ensure no nasty surprises later on. (Well hopefully not too much airbrushing or time has passed since the snap was taken.)

Although your family may think they know who is best for you to marry, more and more Indian singles are opting to look for themselves. Indian matrimonial sites are a respectable option for Indian singles wanting to look for love themselves. These dating services respect the sanctimony of marriage and appreciate the difficulties you can be facing from your family.

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Likewise the Indian singles who are members of the dating site are going through the same issues as yourself. Dating sites allow you to compile a wish list of personality traits, interests, education, sports, and any other aspects that you may feel are important in a prospective spouse. Your dating profile will be more or less an advertisement of your own perceived special skills.

Online dating allows you to get to know other singles well. It doesn’t take long to meet someone you like after chatting for awhile. Dating online can also allow you to get through any tricky issues or questions without having to ask them face to face. Relationships are yours to have without interference from friends and relations or with the inclusion if you choose.

Indian dating sites unite Indian singles globally in the pursuit of friendships, love, romance, and matrimony. Nearly every country across the globe has an abundance of Indian immigrants, citizens and singles who are established and waiting to meet someone. You have to go looking before you find your real soul mate.

Do Indian Singles Meet Their Spouse Quicker Now? - Dating

How to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels With 13 Indian Herbs - A Natural Diabetes Treatment

Indian Herbs For Natural Diabetes Treatment

1. Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia)

Bitter melon is widely used in Indian medicine as a treatment option for diabetes. It is cultivated extensively in Asia, and parts of Africa and South America.

2. Cherukurinja (Gymnema Sylvestre)

Cherukurinja also known as Meshasringi or Gurmar is popular in India as a “sugar killer”. It is primarily used in the treatment of Type II diabetes. It is a common ingredient in herbal formulas aimed at reducing blood sugar levels. It is also known to have weight reduction properties by reducing the sweet cravings of patients. It increases the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin as well as insulin receptors in cells, thereby helping to control blood sugar levels. Gymnema extract is produced from the leaves of the plant. The leaves are dried and powdered along with coriander; the juice is then prepared and consumed orally for managing high blood sugar levels.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is more popular as a herbal remedy for burns and skin diseases, but recent studies point out the possibility of Aloe Vera’s ability to reduce blood sugar levels. A recent Japanese study isolated phytosterol compounds from Aloe Vera gel that could lower blood sugar. In addition glycosylated hemoglobin levels were also found to be controlled with the use of Aloe Vera gel.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is known to reduce fasting blood glucose levels as well as cholesterol levels – LDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol are reduced with as low as 1 g of cinnamon a day. Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of a tropical evergreen tree of the Lauraceae family. It is used as a spice for seasoning curries and other Indian food items. It has other medicinal properties such as its ability to reduce nausea and increase appetite. It is also known to be a cure for gastro-intestinal problems such as gas and indigestion. Cinnamon is known to improve the insulin response of fat cells in the body and can increase the conversion of blood sugar to energy by as much as 200%. It also reduces the formation of free radicals thereby delaying the manifestation of diabetic complications.

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5. Indian Kino (Pterocarpus Marsupium)

Indian Kino (Pterocarpus Marsupium) also known as Malabar Kino is a huge deciduous tree normally found in South India and Sri Lanka. It is also known as Pitasara or Venga. It has a proven effect of lowering the glucose absorption from the gastrointestinal tract as well as in increasing insulin levels in the body. It is also known to regenerate pancreatic cells that produce insulin, called beta cells. This regeneration is something no other drug or herbal remedy has been able to achieve. It has been used in India for a long time in the treatment of diabetes. In an experiment in rats, it was found that the epicatechin extracted from the bark of the Malabar Kino was shown to prevent beta cell damage artificially induced by alloxan.

6. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Fenugreek can be grown in your house as a herb in a pot. It is vastly found all over China and the Mediterranean areas. Fenugreek leaves as well as seeds are used as a seasoning in most Indian foods. Fenugreek seeds are fiber rich and that is what contributes to its ability to control diabetes. There is another active component in the fenugreek seeds known as trigonelline which has blood sugar lowering properties. Fenugreek is widely cultivated as a crop, and it has other medicinal properties such as ability to improve appetite and manage gastrointestinal problems and skin diseases. It is also known to improve lactation and aid faster healing of wounds and is often an integral part of traditional Indian treatment for women post delivery and as a health supplement for lactating mothers.

7. Gooseberry

Gooseberry or Amla as it is locally known in India, a good source of Vitamin C and has a lot of antioxidants. Traditionally the juice of gooseberry is mixed with bitter gourd juice as a treatment for diabetes. The ratio is typically one teaspoon of gooseberry juice for one cup of bitter gourd juice. The medicinal property of amla is supposed to improve the insulin generation capability of the pancreas. Amla can also be used in powdered form after drying and grounding it. The vitamins are preserved even in the dried form and it is considered a much better source of Vitamin C than grapefruit and lemons. It is also used for treatment of urinary infections as it is known to reduce the body heat. It also reduces body fat and is good for the eyes. Thus it can effectively delay the onset of diabetic retinopathy in patients.

8. Tenner’s Cassia

The flower and seeds of Tenner’s Cassia are found to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels. It can be mixed with honey and consumed daily.

9. Blueberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus)

Blueberry leaves have been traditionally used as a treatment for diabetes. It has an active ingredient called myrtillin that helps to reduce blood sugar levels. It also strengthens the blood vessels and reduces the adverse effects of free radicals in the body. Blueberry leaves are also used in the treatment of diabetic eye diseases. Bilberry is another plant that can lower the risks of diabetic eye diseases such as cataract and retinopathy. Other herbal remedies commonly used in the treatment of diabetes include onion, garlic, gymnema, Momordica charantia and nopal. Leaves of certain plants have been traditionally used in Indian medicine for treatment of diabetic patients. Here is a list of leaves that are commonly used.

10. Leaves of Mango for controlling diabetes

Mango is known as the king of fruits in India. It is consumed in large quantities all over India during the summer months as a tasty fruit. The leaves of the mango tree are used as a treatment for diabetes. The tender leaves are soaked overnight and the next day morning, it is squeezed and filtered out. The water containing the essence of the mango leaves is consumed every morning for reducing blood sugar levels. Mango leaves can also be dried and powdered and consumed in powder form. The recommended dosage is one teaspoon of this powder twice daily.

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11. Neem Leaves (Azadirachta indica)

Neem leaves are also well known in India for its anti-diabetic properties. Again, the leaves can be consumed in dried powder form or in the form of juice. The recommended dosage for diabetic patients is typically five ml in the morning. Neem leaves are bitter in taste and diabetic patients may find it difficult to follow this regime. It is usually sweetened with honey, which is not harmful for a diabetic patient despite its sweetness. Diabetic patients should follow this treatment for a prolonged period of time before any noticeable results are obtained.

12. Curry Leaves (Murraya Koenigi)

Curry leaves are typically used as a seasoning in Indian cooking because of its unique flavor. It can be ground with coconut and used as a dip or it can be added to yoghurt as a seasoning. It is also known to aid weight loss, thus obese patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes are often advised to include this in their daily diets.

13. Sweet Potato Leaves

Sweet potato leaves are also extremely beneficial in treating diabetes. However the fruit contains a lot of starch and therefore should be consumed only in very small portion sizes by diabetic patients. Sweet potato leaves can be added along with tea leaves while preparing tea. If used in powdered form then about six teaspoons of powder can be boiled in one cup of water and consumed daily.

How to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels With 13 Indian Herbs - A Natural Diabetes Treatment - Diabetes

What to Do When Dating Girls

To find a girl can be difficult for just about any guy, but what do you do to keep them interested once you start dating them? It can often be hard to know what girls are thinking and what they want. You don’t want to come out and ask them, running the risk of sounding ignorant and inexperienced, but you still need to know what you can do to keep a girl. One of the best ways to go about keeping a girl that you get to date you is to treat her right, meaning always being willing to listen to her when she wants to talk and never refusing attention.

Complimenting girls is another great way to win their good graces. Anything from their clothes to their hair is worth mentioning. Girls like to know that you think they look nice and so it makes sense to compliment them. Also make sure to always appear confident, there is nothing that girls like more than confidence in a guy. When you stay confident you are able to win them over fairly easily.

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Always remain calm in all situations, especially when you are trying to meet a new girl that you don’t know that well. Most guys who fail to get a girl’s number do so because they didn’t keep their cool and said something they ended up regretting. Say one wrong thing and that can be the end of the conversation. It’s important that you are very thoughtful when it comes to what you are going to say to a girl when you introduce yourself.

Always give them a nice smile and handshake, having a cool and confident external appearance. This is something that girls like to see in men. They also like men to be somewhat assertive, making the first move when it comes to asking for their number or a date, so always be prepared to go up and say hi when you are in a situation with a girl you like.

What to Do When Dating Girls - Dating

Diabetes Prevention - Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise

Do you have pre diabetes or diabetes and not know it? Well, that’s a trick question I suppose, but if you are like millions of other Americans, then there is a strong possibility you do.

Diabetes is different then other diseases. You either have cancer or you don’t. You either have HIV or you don’t. There is no in between. It’s not really the case with diabetes. It is possible to be more diabetic than someone else. If your Fasting blood sugar is above a certain point, you have diabetes. If it is further above, you still have diabetes, but your condition is much more severe. If your blood sugar levels are just below the threshold for diabetes, then you are worse off then someone else who’s blood sugar level is far below that.

If your blood sugar is below the “pre diabetic” level, then your doctor will probably just pat you on the back and tell you that “You are fine. You have nothing to worry about.” Although worrying isn’t the right answer, it doesn’t mean you should just sit back and do nothing. You need to know your own blood sugar levels and you should learn how and why to lower them for improved health. Don’t accept the standard “you are fine” or “you have diabetes” answers. Get the numbers. Because of different cut off points, it’s possible to have Diabetes in the USA but not in Canada. It sounds crazy but it’s true.

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It will benefit you greatly to spend 15 minutes reading about how type 2 diabetes works and how you can prevent or reverse it through diet and exercise. After reading, you’ll be able to help not only yourself but also your family and friends. Click on this link below for more info.

Diabetes Prevention - Learn How to Prevent Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise - Diabetes

How to Do Online Dating - Best Dating Tips to Succeed in an Online Dating

Are you looking for how to do online dating? You should know this is not rocket science. It is something people have been doing for years now and there are good results from it. As a matter of fact, there are up to 10 thousand marriages that happen as a result of online dating. So if you are considering it, know that it is not a bad venture, it might just be the way to follow for you to find your soul mate too.

It is pretty hard to walk round the world looking for prince charming or miss cutie. It is also going to be a miracle for you to meet up to 10 people daily and get talking with all 10 on issues that has to do with relationships. Some people are even out rightly shy while some can’t even handle physical rejection. The internet provides a platform for such people to express their interest, contact as many people as possible and make a choice for whom to settle with. It is like sampling and choosing.

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Many people however do not know how to do online dating. They just don’t get the idea. It looks kind of awkward but it is not. It is just simple. You get online; see a nice picture of someone. You read the person’s profile and you think it makes sense. Then you say hi and the person responds. Before you know it, you are already doing online dating. As a matter of fact, what we do on social networks like Facebook at times is simply online dating. There is no particular methodology on how to do online dating; you just have to let things flow naturally. It’s in you already.

However, just like you can meet that special someone online, if you are not careful, you can also get yourself connected to a serial killer or a rapist or a molester. You therefore need to be careful and that starts from the moment you say hi and the person responds. So in playing safe, I will supply some tips on how to do online dating safely.

* Take things easy. Do not be overwhelmed about the fact that you are chatting and exchanging mails with some guy that looks like the guy in your dreams and fantasies. You do not know the person until you meet the person and interact physically. So take things easy.

* Do not divulge sensitive information so soon. Be careful about giving out your email, your phone number, your Social Security Number, your address and all that. Let things flow first. You have a lot to learn about each other so focus on that first. The moment you meet someone online and the person is immediately asking you for money or credit card details or your address, then you might want to back up a bit. You can’t be too careful.

* When you are ready to meet, let it be in the public. Do not do some secret, indoor kind of meeting. Make sure you meet only in the public and do not intend to follow this person home on the first date. As a matter of fact, I advise that you go with a friend. Do not be overwhelmed, caution is of the essence.

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* Always ask for recent pictures of the person. Identity thefts are everywhere. People use other people’s pictures. However, if you keep asking for new pictures and the person can’t provide it, then there is something wrong. Be careful.

* Be courteous. Some people may be out rightly stupid and dumb online but you have got to learn to be nice to everyone. There are ways you can ward people off without abusing them. Be nice to as many as you can.

Above all, follow the tips provided by the online dating site you are using on how to do online dating safely and you will not have problems. All the best.

How to Do Online Dating - Best Dating Tips to Succeed in an Online Dating - Dating

What Is Diabetes - A Layman's Explanation

Diabetes is a disease that is now affecting over 28 million Americans. It occurs when the pancreas, the organ that is responsible for maintaining stable blood sugar levels, begins to malfunction. The pancreas, which sits just underneath and slightly behind the stomach, produces a hormone called insulin. This hormone is a critical piece of the digestion process. It is released whenever we eat and its job is to help the digested sugars from our food get to our cells to feed them.

There are two types of diabetes, known as Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is more rare and is caused by autoimmune problems in which the body turns against itself and damages the pancreas. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease that is completely preventable and reversible. It occurs when people consume high amounts of sugar, carbohydrate, and animal products.

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In order to understand what happens when a person has diabetes, think of it like this:

The body is like a cruise ship, and the cabins where passengers stay are like cells. In this metaphor, we will say that the passengers are like the food that has been digested in the body. Just as our food needs to get inside our cells, the passengers need to get inside their cabins, and on the cruise ship every cabin has a key. The insulin secreted by the pancreas works like the cabin keys – it unlocks each cell so that the food sugars can get in and the cell can be fed.

In a person with Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the insulin that is produced does not work properly, and the sugars are not able to get into some of the cells. In our cruise ship metaphor this would be like having half the passengers unable to access their cabins due to faulty or missing keys. The result is chaos as the angry overflowing mob of passengers storm through the decks and corridors, smashing furniture, and overcrowding the lido deck.

In the body of the Type 2 diabetic this is similar to the chaos that ensues in the bloodstream as unabsorbed sugars begin to destabilize the blood, and other organs like the liver and kidneys are put into overdrive trying to reestablish homeostasis.

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Type 1 diabetes is worse because there is very little insulin production. This means that the body’s cells can literally starve because there are no keys to allow digested food sugars in to feed them.

Most doctors will tell diabetics that their disease is irreversible (particularly if it is Type 1), but that it can be controlled with a variety of methods including dietary restrictions and insulin supplementation. There are a number of experts in the field of raw living foods however, that have shown how diabetes Type 2 can be reversed completely simply by following a diet of raw vegan foods. They have also shown that insulin regimens for Type 1 diabetics can be greatly reduced with the same diet.

What Is Diabetes - A Layman's Explanation - Diabetes

5 Dating Games Women Play When They Don't Want to Date You

1. When a woman does not call you or return your calls for weeks, even when you leave her voice mail messages. This simply means that she really is not interested in you. Simply quit calling and don’t worry if she doesn’t call. If she is going to do something like that to you, she isn’t worth your time anyway. Move on. There are more fishes in the sea.

2. When a girl shakes you hand after a night out when you would have preferred a good hug and perhaps a peck on the cheek. When you ask her if you will hang out again and she tells you that she will be tied up for a while, then simply take this as a clue that she is not interested in you. Don’t waste your time with her. Go on to the next girl that shows interest in dating you. Sometimes the one that you are overlooking may just be the one that is best for you.

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3. If you met her at a night club and she is flirting with you and eventually starts dances with you sensually, but then when you want to continue the fun, she suddenly disappears and you see her in the arms of another guy, leaving you feeling like you have been used. You probably were used. She simply used you to get the attention of another guy she really wants. Understand this; just because a girl plays with your head and dumps you does not mean that you are any less a man, or that you have something wrong with you. A lot of times some women want to prove to themselves that they can have power over you. And to prove this some of them will do some of the craziest things. Brush it off and move on. It is all part of the dating games women play.

4. If you have been asking a girl out for a while and she eventually goes out with you. And while you are on the date, you notice that the only treatment that she has been giving you is the silent treatment; it does not take a genius to figure out that she really did not want to go out with you in the first place. Cut the date short and go and do something better with your time. Don’t bother calling her; you will be wasting your time.

5. Sometimes women will ask you to meet them somewhere for a date and just not show up or even call you to let you know that they really did not want to go on a date with you. If they eventually call you acting like they did not know about what they did, stop them in their tracks. Cut the conversation short by telling them you are tied up and that you can’t talk. It’s time to find the girl that is right for you. A woman that is interested in you will not be so absent-minded to the point of forgetting that they gave you a time and place to meet them.

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Dating is not that complicated and when a woman tries to complicate courtship for you, do yourself a favor and put an end to their games. The things I have just described to you have happened to men who are natural female magnets. When it comes to winning in the dating game, the more knowledgeable you are about how women think and act, the better you will be at winning them over.

5 Dating Games Women Play When They Don't Want to Date You - Dating

Type 2 Diabetes - The Benefits of Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands

According to scientists, empowerment training can help Type 2 diabetes more than traditional educational program. A study performed at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine in Nanking, China, was published in the February 2015 issue of Diabetes Technology and Therapy. A total of 885 Type 2 patients were enrolled and took two tests…

the Diabetes Empowerment Scale-Short Form, and

the Chinese version of the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Scale.

It was found the most empowered patients had the best self-care behavior regardless of age, gender, marital status, or length of time with their diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. Empowered patients…

ate healthier foods,

exercised more,

took their medications more regularly, and

performed proper foot care,

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more than the non-empowered.

The proof of the pudding was the empowered diabetics had lower HbA1c values than less empowered participants. The scientists concluded empowering all diabetics should be an important part of any Type 2 diabetes education program.

The 2011 edition of the online journal Patient Education and Counseling, reported a study in which a traditional diabetes training was compared with an empowerment program. At the end of three months, the empowered group showed a much better understanding of their disease than did the traditional education group.

To become empowered, first learn the ABC’s of Type 2 diabetes

“A” stands for HbA1c,

“B” stands for blood pressure, and

“C” stands for cholesterol.

Knowing how high each of the ABC’s is and setting goals for improvement is empowering.

Learning to apply the ABC’s of Type 2 diabetes is the first step to empowerment. Ask your doctor your levels of each and write them down. Also ask what your levels should be to show good control. Once you know your state of health and what to aim for, the next step is planning how to achieve your goals. Sit down with a diabetes educator and discuss strategy. Some educators use weather as a way for patients to assess their HbA1c levels…

less than 7.0 percent is sunny,

7.0 to 8.5 percent is partly sunny, and

greater than 8.5 per cent is cloudy.

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Sometimes team-based learning experiences are helpful: often small groups are told about hypothetical people with Type 2 diabetes. They are given ABC values and the self-care status of each diabetic and asked to decide which ones are most likely to have complications. Discussing the information helps diabetics to learn and remember what to do to prevent the consequences of poor diabetic control.

The 2011 edition of the online journal Patient Education and Counseling reported a study which found empowerment resulted in better understanding of Type 2 diabetes, better understanding of goals, and better tracking of information than traditional diabetes education.

Type 2 Diabetes - The Benefits of Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands - Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - You Can Be a Fat and Fit Diabetic

Exercise and a healthy physique often go hand in hand. A lean body is a product of consistent exercise habits and healthy eating overtime. To obtain a healthy lean body can be quite challenging. Although genetics certainly play a role, one must consider the starting point and the everyday nutrition and physical activity habits of the individual, to better determine how much an individual can improve their health and physique in a specific measure of time.

The fact is most Type 2 diabetics are overweight. Some are very obese. These conditions are usually a product of several years of eating unhealthy foods and not taking part in adequate physical activity. It can be very difficult to imagine yourself with a lean body when all you have known for as long as you can remember, is how it feels to be overweight. It might seem like an alien concept to envisage yourself as someone with a lean physique. And, in these cases, it just might not be realistic to do so.

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The truth is, for most Type 2 diabetics, a lean physique is an attainable goal. And with that comes improved health and quality of life. The risk of many diseases associated with Type 2 diabetes and being overweight will be decreased significantly.

For some, a slim midsection might not be a rational objective. However, you will be pleased to know you can still improve your health – even without having a lean body. You can still improve your diabetes condition. You can still improve your quality of life and add life to your years. You can be a ‘fat and fit’ diabetic.

It’s important to note though, the more weight you lose through healthy living, the better it is for you.

With that said, most significant to your health is not your weight – but your levels of physical activity. Simply by exercising, you are exposing your body to physical stress that will lead to a multitude of health benefits, such as…

improved blood sugar control,

decreased insulin resistance,

lower cholesterol levels,

lower blood pressure, and

improved cardiovascular health.

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These are just some of the perks associated with physical activity. What’s more is these positive changes can start to occur literally overnight. By exercising several times a week consistently, you can see improvements in all these measures immediately, even if your weight suggests otherwise.

You can be a healthy diabetic, despite your weight. By all means, lose some weight if you can to improve your overall results.

However, if there is something you must do, it is to be fit regardless of your weight. There is absolutely no excuse for lack of fitness when health is concerned.

Type 2 Diabetes - You Can Be a Fat and Fit Diabetic - Diabetes

Dating Places in Bangalore

Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, has grown out as a cosmopolitan city, thanks to the influx of people coming down from various parts of the country and the globe. The weather condition of Bangalore is really good and it has many places that are worth visiting. The concept of pubs, dining out, shopping at malls has become common and people love indulging in them on weekends.

The percentage of the young crowd is high here and this could be one of the reasons why pubs and discotheques are a hit here. Due to the young crowd, dating in Bangalore is also becoming quite common and a number of youngsters can be seen roaming hand in hand.

Best Places to Date in Bangalore

When it comes to dating in Bangalore, parks are placed at the top of the list. Some of the parks that are frequented by youngsters are Lal Bagh, Wonder La Amusement Park, Freedom Park, Cubbon Park etc. The Amusement Park of Wonder La is quite a new craze in Bangalore, as it has a water park and an amusement park with both dry and water rides. It is located on the road to Mysore and costs Rs 450 for a single individual to go and enjoy in the amusement park.

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The Hesaraghatta Lake is situated about 29 kilo meters from the city. This is yet another hot spot for lovers who can enjoy taking a stroll beside the lake and also enjoy with their partners. There are sailing facilities available here. Go slightly further down about 40 kilo meters and you can enjoy the Omthara Kala Kuteera. It is indeed a pleasant drive away from the city’s hustle and bustle and couples can spend quiet time together and enjoy the pastoral beauty and scenic surroundings.

If you don’t mind going further down, then you can visit Muthyala Maduvu, which is located 44 kilo meters from the city and is a popular picnic getaway. Enjoy the rustic surroundings and the waterfall. Shivganga, one of the famous dating places in Bangalore, is also ideal for one day trekking and you get to spend time away from the crowded city. If your partner wishes to go further down, then there is the Halenijagal amongst superb woody valleys and hills.

Enjoy a perfect date with your loved one around the cool Chunchi Falls, which is located at a distance of 85 kilo meters from the main city. The place is pebble strewn, so one needs to be careful. Check out the Chamrajsagar reservoir which is a drive of 35 kilo meters and it is the ideal place to rejuvenate far away from the maddening city crowd. On airport road is located Devanahalli. Here, you can enjoy a day’s trip visiting the beautiful and rich architecture of the temples. When it comes to dating in Bangalore, Nandi hills is yet another hot spot and you get to visit beautiful Chola style temples and you would surely cherish the picturesque beauty. Couples who are interested in fishing can check out for the Kanva Reservoir and you would find that it to be an interesting place worth visiting.

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Mekedatu is around one hundred kilo meters from the city and is quite a hot spot for dating couples. Other places for dating in Bangalore include malls like Garuda Mall, Sigma mall, Lido Mall, Mantri Mall and so on, where couples can have a wonderful time hand in hand. Coffee houses and pubs too are ideal places to date in Bangalore. Coffee World and Barista are places worth visiting for dating. Enjoy good food and drinks at pubs with your partner.

Dating Places in Bangalore - Dating

What Is Diabetes Insipidus?

Diabetes Insipidus signs and symptoms are characterized by extreme versions of a few very common Diabetes Mellitus symptoms. These include:

Extreme and often excessive thirst for cold water and sometimes even ice water

Excessive urination due to extreme consumption of water





The symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus mimic those of Diabetes Mellitus however one main distinction is that the urine will not contain excess glucose and hyperglycemia or, high blood sugar, will not be evident. Signs of dehydration are often the best indicator as sufferers of this disease are often unable to conserve any amount of water in large quantities. 

As a result of the extreme loss of liquids, Diabetes Insipidus can interfere with ones daily life. Constantly going to the bathroom can affect ones work life, appetite, and sometimes can affect growth in children. Depletion of electrolytes is also of large concern and is another excellent symptom of Diabetes Insipidus to watch for.

The diagnosis of Diabetes Insipidus is both qualitative and quantitative involving both the documentation of the above listed symptoms as well as hormone-level testing to determine the type (if any) of DI in each case.

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Types of Diabetes Insipidus

Neurogenic or central Diabetes Insipidus: This type of DI is caused by a lack of AVP or arginine vasopressin production in the brain. AVP is a hormone that controls retention of water in the body.

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus: This type of DI is caused by an insensitivity of ones kidneys to AVP. The kidneys do not respond properly to this antidiuretic hormone causing water loss.

Dipsogenic DI: This type of DI is caused by a defect or injury in the thirst mechanism located in the hypothalamus gland in the brain. This causes an increase in thirst and fluid intake that causes a suppression of AVP production and increases urine output.

Gestational DI: This DI type only occurs during pregnancy. Pregnant women produce an enzyme called vasopressinase. This enzyme breaks down AVP. It is thought that Gestational DI is a result of an overproduction of vasopressinase.

Just like other types of Diabetes, if you discover that you exhibit several of the symptoms listed above, see your doctor immediately. Check out our FAQ for common questions and answers concerning Diabetes or our articles section for other Diabetes articles.

What Is Diabetes Insipidus? - Diabetes

How To Attract Quality Men Using Dating Apps

Dating apps take the convenience of online dating to a whole new level. But with so many dating apps out there, it’s difficult to know which ones are right for you.

Here’s an explanation of some popular dating apps, as well as some tips on how to use them.


Tinder is a free app that anonymously finds nearby matches and connects you with them if you’re interested in each other. It lets you quickly say yes or no to potential matches by showing you people who are near you, and letting you anonymously “like” them or “pass” on them. If you and a potential match “like” each other, Tinder makes an introduction and lets you text each other through the app, without giving your real phone number away.

To stay in your feminine energy using a dating app like this, I’d suggest “liking” as many potential matches as you want, and then letting the man be the first one to contact you through the app if the two of you “like” each other.

How About We

How About We has you post a date you’d like to go on when you sign up, which a potential match can then “opt in” to by connecting with you and setting up the date. It’s primarily free, but you can upgrade to get special perks. The profile questions on How About We seem to appeal to sophisticated professionals. It’s designed to help you set up dates right from the beginning, rather than chatting potential matches for weeks before finally meeting up. The profiles consist of personality traits and seem to focus more on compatibility than physical attributes.

When it comes to posting a date that you’d like to go on, I always suggest keeping the first date short – an hour or less is ideal. Pick a public place near you where you feel comfortable – don’t drive far to see a man for a first date. Somewhere where you can walk around and look at things (such as an outdoor shopping area) is perfect since there’s an intimacy-building aspect to these kinds of activities.


Hinge uses a matching algorithm and it’s “romance graph” to intelligently show you potential matches you’re likely to be compatible with. It pulls your Facebook information to present you with people who have a similar type of job or went to the same kind of college, but it also goes deeper and matches you with people across these boundaries as well. Hinge uses it’s matching algorithm to identify the hidden threads that attracts you to potential dates.

In my opinion, real compatibility doesn’t have very much to do with what you have “in common” with a man. With apps like this, I’d suggest giving men a chance if you get a good vibe from them and their energy is coming towards you, regardless of whether or not you have things in common or if they meet all the standards on your “checklist.”

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Coffee Meets Bagel

Coffee Meets Bagel introduces you to people who are seeking meaningful relationships. You’ll receive one match per day that’s specifically chosen for you. You have one day to “like” the match or “pass” on them. Coffee Meets Bagel doesn’t tell your potential matches that you “liked” them unless they “liked” you too. When you and a potential match “like” each other, you can text each other securely through the app and your real phone number is not given away.

As with some of these other dating apps, I’d suggest letting the man be the first one to contact you through the app if the two of you “like” each other – so you’re just responding to potential matches, rather than initiating.


OkCupid is a popular free dating app which lets you browse profiles and send messages to potential matches. In my opinion, OkCupid is one of the best dating apps because it’s easy to navigate and it uses algorithms to match you based on personality traits and what you’re looking for in a relationship. You can browse through local singles and spend time meeting interesting new people who have the qualities you’re looking for.

Having clear, flattering pictures is extremely important when using apps like this. You’ll want at least one picture of your face, where you’re looking at the camera and smiling, and one full-body picture. Changing your main profile picture and uploading a new picture every so often will put you back at the top of the “activity” page and people’s searches.

Plenty Of Fish

Plenty Of Fish is another free dating app that lets you browse profiles and send messages, while its personalized services match you to people who are interested in the same type of relationship and even suggests local places to meet up. Plenty Of Fish allows you to set up your account so that certain people cannot contact you. For example, if you’re looking for a long-term relationship, anyone looking for a “hook-up” or casual relationship won’t be able to send you a message.

When it comes to writing your profile, I always suggest writing two paragraphs – the first one should be all about you and the second one should be about what you’re looking for – and be sure to translate everything into feeling messages where you can.

I’d love to hear about your experiences using dating apps – and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me through my website and ask!

How To Attract Quality Men Using Dating Apps - Dating

Diabetes Treatment - Do I Have to Take Medication For Diabetes?

Being diagnosed as a diabetic means a large amount of changes in your daily life.  A new diet, more exercise, and monitoring of your blood sugar will all become part of your daily routine.  One thing that many newly diagnosed patients want to know is if they will have to take medication as part of their diabetes treatment. While there are rare cases of diabetes that respond well to only dietary and lifestyle changes, many patients require at least occasional medication to keep their diabetes under control.

A large percentage of diabetic patients require medications as part of their diabetes treatment, to help them manage their blood sugar levels.  If you have been diagnosed, your doctor may prescribe insulin injections or other medications that can help you with your diabetes treatment. Insulin is often used only when blood sugar levels are outside of the normal range, but other medications may be taken regularly to help the body maintain healthy levels of insulin.

Many diabetic patients as part of their diabetes treatment also take medication to control complications and symptoms that are affected by diabetes, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.  Whether you will need these medications will depend on your symptoms and only your doctor can help determine what medicines are right for you.  Many patients are able to control these symptoms through lifestyle changes, and every case is different.

Taking diabetes treatment medication means taking a close look at all supplements and over the counter medicines you take as well as prescription medications for other illnesses and problems.  Because many drugs can interact or change blood sugar levels, it is important to discuss all new medications and supplements with your doctor before taking them to ensure that they are safe and will not counteract or interact with one another. Mixing in some of the over the counter medication into your diabetes treatment, can some times have a devastating result. Tell your doctor about these medications.

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Whether or not you will need drugs to control your diabetes will depend on your individual symptoms.  Talking to your doctor will help you determine if medication is right for you.  If you do have to take medications, do not lose heart.  Many drugs have little or no side effects, and taking them every day soon becomes routine.  

Not all diabetic patients require daily medication, and some require only medication when insulin levels fall too low.  Your medication needs can change over time.  Improving your lifestyle can decrease your need for drugs as part of your diabetes treatment, and certain complications may necessitate taking additional medications.  As with all illnesses, each case is different.  Talking with your doctor can help you understand more about what the best treatment will be for you.

Diabetes Treatment - Do I Have to Take Medication For Diabetes? - Diabetes

The Dating Game: Dating Online

With all the websites on the Internet that offer a membership to meet and talk to people that match the criteria that you are looking for, you are bound to find someone worth dating. The question becomes how can you tell if someone is being honest.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be attractive and representing you that way. The way someone presents he or she says a lot about him or her. If you’re browsing through the online personals and see someone that catches your attention, the next step would to be to contact them, and ask for a picture if there is not already one. We all know that the first attraction usually comes from physical attraction. If the picture is not that appealing we have a tendency to continue looking.

Dating is the first step in finding a lifelong mate, so don’t be in a hurry, go ahead and take your time. Make a list of qualities that you want in a future mate. Once you’ve made your list of qualities, memorize or carry them with you. These things will determine the type of person you end up dating. Keep in mind that your list should not be more than one page, as no one is perfect and you don’t want your expectations to be too high. Everyone has negative aspects about him or her and it is up to you to determine if the positive out weigh the negative.

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People carry over past relationships to current ones, and this can be a hurtful thing. Therefore, many people are opting not to date. Dating may seem like a game, but we should not be selfish because of our broken hearts and scarred emotions. Dating has the capacity for good and evil, just like anything else.

Dating can be both very positive or a negative experience. Part of what makes us is the relationships we have and the lessons learned from those relationships. We should be more considerate of the lessons learned and carry them in our lifelong commitments. The truth is that we are likely to foul up any dating mould we choose because we are not perfect.

The most important factor we should be looking at is whether or not we can act upon what is right and say no to what is wrong. You should encourage yourself to date; as you will never meet that person you could spend the rest of your life with if you do not.

Relationships do not always end in marriage, and because of this it doesn’t mean we are now less capable of giving someone else just as much honour, love, patience, kindness, trust. If you choose to be sincere, devoted, protecting, trusting, hopeful, persevering, and never failing, I believe your dating years will be incredible years.

Refusing to date tells us that we believe ourselves incapable of having a relationship in that manner that was intended for us. Dating can be a positive experience in your life and help us navigate the waters of maturity and even marriage.

· Dating can be a source of enjoyment and recreation.

· Personal individuality is developed through relationships with other people.

· Men and women need to find out the kinds of roles they find fulfilling in a close relationship.

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· Dating involves learning about closeness and serves as an opportunity to institute a unique, meaningful relationship with a person of the opposite sex.

· Dating helps you find the right mate.

· Dating can provide companionship through interaction and shared activities.

· Dating can help prepare you for marriage.

Dating does not have to be frightening, creepy, forced or anything else but enjoyable. What you have to do is make an effort to make the dating years enjoyable. Group dating is a good way to make sure that you abide by the standards that you have set for yourself. Plan outings with friends, church groups, or whatever, just to have more fun.

If you never date anyone, how will you determine what you want? Dating is your chance to have a fairly deep relationship with someone before you hand over your life to a lifelong marriage.

The Dating Game: Dating Online - Dating

Type 2 Diabetes - Diet And Diabetes: Foods To Avoid

Diet is an important part of managing Type 2 diabetes, it is one of the three pillars of diabetes management. The other two pillars are exercise and, if required, medication. The problem arises when diabetics aren’t exactly sure what is considered to be a bad food choice. Or they believe certain foods are not as bad as they really are. In either case, it can be detrimental to their condition.

French fries are one of the most common fast foods that we consume. They also hold the distinction of being one of the worst foods for a Type 2 diabetic. They are laden with saturated fat, calories, and then there’s the enormous carb content. All of these make them something that should only be occasionally indulged in.

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Hamburgers are also packed with saturated fat – even the ones made from lean-ground beef. Plus, you have to consider the buns – which are usually white – and the assorted condiments that accompany the hamburgers. However, hamburgers can still be enjoyed periodically as long as they are lean, with whole wheat buns and by using heart-friendly condiments.

Fried chicken is, unfortunately, as good as it is deadly. What makes it so unhealthy? Take your pick:

the saturated grease that it is cooked in,

the skin, which holds an extremely high fat content,

the flour used for coating,

or the dryness of the meat, which promotes multiple health issues of the mouth?

Pot pies, especially the frozen ones, are some of the most unhealthy small packages of food there are. For it’s size, it holds a tremendous number of grams of fat. The carb content is also off the charts. They may be convenient to prepare, but they are certainly no friend to the Type 2 diabetic.

Jams and jellies are popular additions to toast, biscuits and other breads. Their number one drawback? Sugar. If you have a taste for the sweet stuff, try the sugar-free varieties that are made with real fruit, and not packed with additives and preservatives.

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Flour is a big problem. That’s because it is easily disguised in foods. Manufacturers come up with clever names to conceal the fact they are using white flour in their foods. Bread is the biggest problem. Consumers think that if the bread isn’t completely white in color it must contain healthy wheat. But even small amounts of white flour throw off the good intentions.

Dressings and sauces are a hidden enemy. They are easily used to top off or accentuate main dishes, side dishes or even salads. They are also usually filled with sugar, fat and calories. They can quickly take a somewhat healthy entrée and turn it into an unhealthy one.

Type 2 Diabetes - Diet And Diabetes: Foods To Avoid - Diabetes

India's Mobile Phone Market

Mobile phones have become the dominant means of communication as they provide greater flexibility and convenience to the subscribers in comparison to the landline telephones. This technology has made life much easier by helping people reach their friends, relatives and work colleagues anywhere at any period of time.

In India, the mobile phone market is growing with leaps and bounds, paving way for new and better models loaded with advanced and innovative technology. It is believed that the Indian market is one of the fastest growing mobile markets in the world with around six million new connections every month. In the last five years, the market has showcased a growth of nearly 8.12% from 2000-2007. In 2008, it is believed that about three hundred million people have mobile phones in India. This number is expected to grow and double by the end of 2010.

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When the first mobile phones were introduced in the Indian market, they were costly and loaded with basic features. Gradually, with the advent of technology many new features entered the mobile market. The latest development is the touch screen, navigation system, high pixel camera, polyphonic ring tones, MMS facility, and zoom applications. Apart from these there is much other advancement that has taken place in the Indian mobile phone market.

Today, all the leading mobile service providers are coming up with new strategies, offers, varieties coupled with cheaper rates and services to capture the growing market. This is not only helping Indian mobile service providers to attract their own people but is also helping them to compete with the cheap Chinese mobiles that are infiltrating the Indian mobile market. As a result, low-income, self-employed people like auto rickshaw drivers, maids, taxi drivers, construction workers, plumbers, carpenters and even food vendors are snapping mobile phones and connections. These service users are considered to be prospective clients of leading service providers in India.

Mobile phones have today become ubiquitous in our day-to-day life. Be it for any use, calling or connecting with people, sending and receiving SMSs, or using it for entertainment. Mobile entertainment includes music player, MP3, video clippings, and other innovative means of mobile entertainment. Nowadays, many important services like ambulance services, police services, helpline, astrology, and dating devices are also linked with mobile phones. MMS and SMS have now come up with a new lingo along with the new and most advanced iPhone that have recently entered the Indian mobile phone market.

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The new Apple iPhone comes with a new style statement, adorned with whopping features. Some of the most enthralling features include availability in pastel colors, Bluetooth technology, keyboard facility, and other high end features.

With global trends, Indian mobile market is still under a constant stage of development and innovation. Network coverage is increasing with greater adaptability and innovation is hitting the market, paving way for better, improved, advanced and more appealing mobile phones in near future. With so much advancements and innovations, the future of India’s mobile phone market is definitely bright and prospective.

India's Mobile Phone Market - Dating

Cause of Diabetes Mellitus - What Causes Diabetes?

There is ample research supporting the fact that somebody with a history of diabetes in the family has a 33% higher chance of developing diabetes than a person with no such history. We may not understand all the causes for diabetes, however it is widely known among the scientific community that diabetes is a genetic condition.

While it is true that heredity plays an important role in determining whether you are at risk for diabetes, it may be true that learning the causes of diabetes mellitus and taking steps to control its onset can mean that you can be in control of your life and have the ability to live a healthy, long life.

Often described by medical experts as the “prosperity” disease, diabetes is frequently caused when people overeat methodically, particularly if they consume great amounts of processed foods, proteins, and fats. Processed foods, such as bread, cake, chocolate, and ice cream, are rich in refined carbohydrates and are dangerous to the body when eaten in great quantity over a long period of time. Proteins and fats are as well major contributors because the body transforms them into sugar.

Scientific studies show that up to 85% of people having diabetes are obese. Nearly 80% of type-two non-insulin dependent diabetics, in the United States alone, are overweight. When excessive fatty tissue is present in the body, insulin ‘ll not work effectively. Normally, insulin allows blood sugar to enter the tissue and muscle cells by using receptor sites located on cell surfaces. If too much fat is present, the cells become insulin resistant, thereby leading to diabetes.

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In the aging procedure, people have a tendency to put on extra weight and some end up developing mild diabetes due to increased blood sugar. If they choose to modify their diet and lose weight, their diabetes condition will improve greatly.

One of the well-documented contributory causes of diabetes mellitus is too much stress in your life. An individual who is suffering from too much anxiety and stress should search out ways to relieve some of the burden and learn to relax so as to cut back their danger of developing diabetes. When you’re continually stressed out, this can have a negative impact on your metabolism and guide to sugar in the urine.

A person who strives to be physically active can greatly cut back the chances of developing diabetes later in life. Maintaining a regimen of moderate exercise not only helps in controlling your weight though will greatly improve your wellbeing and sense of health. A healthy person’s body functions better and can procedure blood sugar more effectively as insulin production stabilizes. The stress on your pancreas ‘ll decrease and it won’t wish to work as troublesome, making you healthier for the long term.

Cause of Diabetes Mellitus - What Causes Diabetes? - Diabetes

Best Sites For Older Men Seeking Younger Women

Some young women are hugely attracted to older men. In fact, it is very common. Inside this article, I will explore the best sites for older men seeking younger women.

Young ladies tend to prefer community-driven websites that are feature-rich. The more bells and whistles, the better. So what this means is you should avoid the simple classified personals sites like “Craigslist” or “Back Page”.

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Now a lot of men in search of dates with younger women will join social networks like “Facebook” or “MySpace.” This is the wrong approach if you are specifically looking for young females who want to date men older than themselves. You see, while sites like “Facebook” allow members to state that, yes, they are looking for men, and looking for a relationship, they do not allow women to state “what kind” of men they seek.

You could waste weeks or months wading through thousands of young females on a social network.

So, where “do” you look? The answer: popular dating communities.

What makes big-name dating sites perfect for any man in search of a younger lady, or vice versa, is these sites allow members to stipulate the kind of person they wish to meet; they have matching technology. This boils down to being easily able to access lists of young females seeking older men who live in close proximity to your home.

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Such sites are also feature-rich and tend to offer entirely free membership, all site features included, to women, making them a very popular haven for young ladies online.

Best Sites For Older Men Seeking Younger Women - Dating

Diabetes and Indians

The insulin is like a key that opens the cells so that they consume the glucose in the blood. In a diabetic condition the insulin is produced less or it does not open the cells to accept the glucose. Diabetes is a slow killer. Diabetics have to maintain a careful balance between insulin injections, diet and regular exercise to maintain a normal lifestyle. These are things that people need to do even before they become a diabetic but diabetes enforces it on them. They also need a great deal of monitoring and need to periodically take food. Diabetes also makes life dependent on insulin injections. They also experience slow healing of wounds and slowed down circulation. It may also cause loss of eye sight and fatigue.

Did you know India is considered the diabetic capital of the world? It is estimated that up to three million people die from the disease every year, and over a quarter of a billion people are affected by diabetes. It is interesting to note that even though Indians as a community are not obese when compared to the western world, they have the maximum number of people with diabetes and cardio-vascular problems. The Traditional Indian food was one of the most balanced diets, with right amount of carbohydrates (rice, Indian bread), proteins (lentils) and vegetables. Today in this fast-forward world Indians do not have the time to prepare a traditional Indian meal every day. The fast growing economy has families under enormous emotional and time pressure and has made them resort to unhealthy food habits, leading to unhealthy bodies. The urban Indians lack any sort of proper exercise and add to bad eating habit and we have an explosive mixture.

Indians are also genetically flawed that makes them more prone to diabetes. They are genetically prone to get diabetes than any other ethnic group in the world. Consider this, Dr. P.V. Rao, a renowned diabetic researcher tested Indians immigrants some of whom had migrated centuries ago, from all over the world. Indians who were born in countries like Fiji, South Africa, Mauritius and many others were also highly prone to diabetes than the local demographic. Another interesting fact is Indian women living abroad are more likely to have diabetes than the ones in India. Further research is being done to find out the exact cause for this condition. In a test done in 2008, 14% of Urban Indians had diabetes and that is the largest any where in the world. Indian women will need to be extremely cautious and need to take proper measures to make sure they do not have Gestational diabetes and if they do take proper care to control this condition through proper diet and exercise or in extreme cases through medication.The reason attributed to this is the changes in Indian diet. The traditional Indian diet was a well balanced combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fibers and other nutrients. But due the urbanization and life style changes in India the diet had been completely replaced by a much more easier to cook or eat out attitude. Indians eat less, weigh less hence this is very puzzling condition.

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14 percent of the urban Indian population is estimated to have diabetes. Delhi has a population of 1.2 crore (12 million), and an estimated 15 percent of them have diabetes. In rural areas, where the health care system is almost inexistent, four to five percent of the population is said to have diabetes. WHO has warned that diabetes can take a huge toll on the Indian economy. Indian with a population of more than a billion cannot afford to ignore this huge epidemic. More awareness needs to be created about diabetes and harms it can do.

Diabetes and Indians - Diabetes

Free Dating Sites - You Never Have To Pay Again

Some paying sites will try to tell you that not as many people frequent the free sites, so they are not as good. Simple logic will tell you that the assumption just isn’t valid. Experience will prove that the more something costs, the fewer people will purchase it, whether it is a dating site, or a new car. It’s a matter of simple economics. Free dating sites will include more members and visitors just because the cost is zero and you can visit the site without a huge expenditure of cash. Here are some of the benefits of dating sites that don’t cost to browse.


Free dating sites will have a greater variety of people, especially as they are showing positive results from their word of mouth and paid advertisers on the site. If visitors to the site are signing up and leaving profiles, you will soon find a greater variety of educational levels, interests, financial strengths and other factors that go into making a profile match more likely. If you only are seeing people with one strength–financial– on a paid site, it can be pretty boring to browse profiles on a paid site, simply because ability to pay has been made most important.

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Free dating sites may not have an advertising budget that is as large, but on the other hand, commercial advertisers like to have places to put their promotional materials. Attracting commercial advertisements can work in the same way as charging membership fees for placing a profile on the dating site. The more advertisers you attract, the more you can advertise. Advertisers are interested in places where they know their information will be seen by the highest possible number of viewers. Viewers can be attracted by interesting and informational articles, by the number of profiles, by the variety of profiles and by many other factors, including ease of use for the site.


Free dating sites are impossible to beat when it comes to cost for the consumer. When it comes right down to the wire, most people would rather pay for the personal contact rather than for the ability to make a personal contact. Instead of buying a membership to a paid site, why not browse the free web site and spend the money on real life dating. The paid sites simply can’t guarantee that the volume, quality or variety of profiles will be any better or higher than for the free sites. The only thing that is certain is that they will cost the end user more.

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Without sacrificing security, free dating sites can be simpler to use. You don’t have to find credit card numbers or other electronic payment means. You don’t have to worry about forgetting an automatic electronic transfer from your checking account. The free sites are just as secure as the paid sites and sometimes even more user friendly. You should investigate any of the dating sites before becoming a part of the database, but don’t rule out a site, simply because you don’t have to pay to be part of it.

Free Dating Sites - You Never Have To Pay Again - Dating

Diabetes Causes and Prevention

Diabetes is a disease that affects the body natural ability to change carbohydrates and sugars into energy. There is no known cause for the onset of diabetes. However, there are certain factors that place a person at higher risk of contracting diabetes.

The risk factors of diabetes can include:

A family history of diabetes


Poor diet

Physical inactivity
Different Types/Different Causes of Diabetes

There are three main types of diabetes -type-1, type-2, and gestational. Type-1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease and most often affects children and young adults. An autoimmune disease is one in which the body ability to fight infections is decreased causing the body to attack its own cells. In type-1 diabetes, the body often attacks the beta cells in the pancreas -the cells that produce insulin in the body. The main diabetes causes of type-1 diabetes are:

Infections with specific bacteria or viruses

Food-borne chemical toxins

Cows milk -an unidentified component in cow milk can trigger an autoimmune reaction in the body. Young infants who are given cow milk have a higher risk of contracting type-1 diabetes.

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The main diabetes causes of type-2 diabetes are:

Increasing age


Physical inactivity

Poor diet

The main diabetes causes of gestational diabetes are:

Hormones produced during pregnancy blocking actions of insulin

Mother body can’t produce enough insulin
Common Causes of Diabetes

There are some common diabetes causes that include genetic causes as well as environmental causes. The risk of diabetes is higher if there is a family history of diabetes. Environmental factors that can lead to the onset of diabetes include poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, and stress. Diabetes is a disease that can be prevented -or controlled once a diagnosis has been made.

Prevention and Control in Diabetes

While the symptoms of diabetes are not life threatening, diabetes can lead to other more serious diseases and illnesses. People who have been diagnosed with diabetes are at a higher risk of diseases and illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, neuropathy and nerve damage, foot conditions, and blindness. It is extremely important to control your diabetes in order to avoid the onset of these more serious and sometimes life-threatening illnesses.

There are medications that can be used in the control of diabetes, as well as many natural remedies. However, the single most important aspect of a diabetic management plan is a healthy diet and exercise. A healthy diet should consist of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, carbohydrates in healthy portions, Omega-3 fatty acids, proteins in healthy portions, and fiber. A healthy diet not only helps your overall health, but also can be a major factor in offsetting the symptoms of diabetes. The longer you can prevent the symptoms of diabetes, the longer you can decrease the risks of more serious illnesses associated with diabetes.

A regular exercise routine is also an important factor in the prevention and management of diabetes. All parts of your body are designed to work together in order to sustain life. By keeping your muscles toned and your blood flowing correctly, you can help your body to fight off infections and your body will be able to help in managing the symptoms of many illnesses. Strong muscles in the abdomen are essential for helping your digestive system work normally.

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A Long, Healthy Life

It is possible to live a long, healthy life. You can help ensure that your body will work properly for a long time by beginning a healthy diet and routing exercise program early in life. The old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has real meaning. By choosing to live a healthy lifestyle, you are choosing to consciously help your body fight of the symptoms of many illnesses and diseases. And, while some diseases are hereditary, such as diabetes, and you may still be at risk, by choosing to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you are helping your body become prepared to delay the onset of symptoms and to control the symptoms once they appear.

Diabetes Causes and Prevention - Diabetes